Sunday, May 30, 2010


I've been getting up pretty good to go running at 5:30, but I haven't been able to push any sort of distance at all. I got shinsplints, and I'm not sure how, or how to get rid of them. All I know is that I have pains in the calves and shins whenever I start running, although that sometimes goes away if I stretch really well, or during the run.

So I'm trying to take it a little easy, and stretch often throughout the day. The problem is that I've already been 'taking it easy'- I hadn't been pushing very hard at all.

Hopefully it will go away without too much trouble...


  1. Sorry to hear about the pain. I don't know much about shin splints, but I've used the "where does it hurt" function on runners to find articles about common pain/injuries that runners get. I think there are actually a couple of different things that can give you pain in the shins & calves. One issue can even be your shoes. If your foot has changed or you are running on a different surface that could be an issue. Wish I knew more, bit my issue is a neuroma on my right foot, not my shins.

    On the bright side---the most running you'll do in the MB is 3-3.5 mi. And that
    will be on as long as you are in reasonably decent shape aerobically, you will have a blast at the race even if you are doing fairly low miles in training.

    Hope you fel better.....shonda

  2. Ben,
    Sorry to hear about the shin splints. I've had that problem from the time I started running. The usual suspects for me were:
    1. Old shoes with not enough cushion
    2. Running on too hard of a surface
    3. Increasing either distance or speed over too
    short of a time

    This time starting out I really have taken it easy. Although I've been running almost daily I only recently worked up to 3 miles at a time. For the first week I only ran 1 mile at a time. I also just bought new shoes. Happily I've not had shin splints.
    What you're doing is good. Keep it up. And Shonda is right. The race isn't a very long distance.
