Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not much running this past week

Here is another picture from a past Pig Run in Columbus.

There is good news and bad news. The good news: I'm strength training. The bad news: Apparently I am so far out of shape that the training is seriously kicking my butt.
I ran last Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday (even though I didn't want to - Thanks for the text, Shonda) My plan was to wake up early enough to run before lifting. I was so tired on Thursday that I barely made it out the door at 7:30 to get to my gym appointment. I was still telling myself that I would be able to run after lifting. HAHAHAHA!! The joke was on me. Jolene pushed the entire hour. Even though the training was limited to shoulders, chest and back, I was wiped out. I made it to Village Bakery with my remaining strength and downed coffee with a breakfast sandwich made of egg, ham and vegetables. Patiently I waited for the food to energize me. And waited and waited and waited.
Friday morning I was still waiting. I was still telling myself I would run on Friday although at that point I couldn't lift my arms. I walked in the door after service, headed to my bed and fell asleep from 5:00p to 6:00a Saturday morning.
Feeling sorry for me yet??
Last night I made an appointment with Devona to run 3 miles on Dutch Creek Road for 7:00a today. It turned into 8:00a but we did it. I loosely watched the time and we ran the 3 in 32 minutes.
Tuesday Jolene is working with me on legs. I'm not planning to run on Wednesday, just so you know. I'll run Monday and Tuesday morning before my appointment, skip Wednesday, lift again on Thursday and hopefully be able to run on Friday.
How is your running??

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me laugh. I was running with you and Devona at 8 on Sunday. Nice thought. My first run in some sort of heat/humidity. I completely get the Village Bakery and beyond experience! I am not really strength training-but Francois started me on an upper body strengthening program which showed how ridiculously weak my arms and back are. I was sore for days from just doing push ups and pull ups I mean hanging from the bar and pulling up with all my might---my body didn't actually move, but I pulled for all I was worth. sigh.
