Sunday, May 16, 2010


Good morning (evening, Julie) . I am cooling down from my end of the week run. Last Monday's run was early and cold and on SR 550 with traffic. And I did it in 22 min and 14 seconds. So what is that? 11:07 mile for two miles. Today I ran on Eddy Road for two miles. No traffic it's true. But there are hills. I always think of the difficult hill being the one coming back to the starting point. You know if you've run on my road before the hill I'm talking about. It is after turning around at the little cabin and coming back to my house. Mentally it is tough to run up that hill. I found out something interesting today. I timed my run, of course, and it took longer for me to run from the starting point in front of my house to the turn around at the little cabin. I ran the second half of each mile faster coming back. Oh by the way I did reduce my mile time by a mere 1:10.5. Yes my two mile time for this week is 19:53!!

My next goal is to run three miles without stopping.
Then in two weeks I'll run a two again and see how fast I can do it.
What's your goal?

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