Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Good noon day to you all!!
I need some encouragement to run today. So if you can, text me. I'm tired from traveling the last few days and I have a lot to do today. I know I should get my run in but I'm not sure how to do it.
At 1 I'm leaving the office for a chiropractic appointment then I will come back and work a little more before heading into Marjorita and Jared's house to help work on it. I'm taking dinner (although I don't know what that is yet...maybe something for the grill??) Perhaps I can run on my way to their house.

Phil's surgery went well. There were a few tense moments. Like when his blood count dropped below 6. We were able to go in and see him in ICU following his surgery. He said his pain was around 5-6 on a scale from 1-10. I haven't heard anything from Kim today about him. She wasn't able to go in until 10:30. There are strict visiting hours in the ICU. Hopefully tomorrow he will be sent to a regular recovery room and stay there until Sunday.

Back to the running thing. I am starting to feel guilty because of all of us, Julie has the most challenging situation. "Keep up the good work in the war zone, Julie!"

One more thing. On Monday I didn't run off the donut. However, I went to the hotel prepared to arise early and go to the fitness center. I woke up at 4:45 and while lying in bed in the dark, debated running. You know what got me up and moving? I kept thinking about Ben getting up so early and running before work. I thought if he can do it, I can do it. So I did.
Thanks Ben for the encouragement. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm pumped that I was somehow able to encourage you. And your discipline encourages me- I'm excited to run tomorrow.
