Saturday, May 15, 2010

Running from the red shirts

...not really. Just thinking how I could connect the two. I was excited to go for an evening run today. I never do because I'm always exhausted from the heat by the afternoon. But since I was holed up at home I thought a run would be nice. I'd just go to my usual park. I went yesterday morning and was surprised to find a bunch of tents set up in the grass. There were soldiers camping there, maybe around 50 soldiers. But there were a lot of people running, walking and biking too. So I wondered what I'd find today. Here it is:

Yes, that is a closed park. Can you see the police vans in the upper right corner of the photo? The guard said they closed it for the day just to be cautious and that it's closed until further notice. Doh!

So I ran back along Sukhumvit Road to the other park nearby my apt. It's the park I go to for group aerobics. Lovely park but a bit small. I don't like running there because it only takes like 4 minutes to go around the loop and I get bored with it. It's a good place to do speed work though. But I wasn't up for that so I just ran and tried to keep myself entertained by watching other people. And there were a lot of people to watch. It was more crowded than usual for a Saturday evening. I guess everyone in the area was stuck at home. haha I'm hoping for another evening run tomorrow. Maybe I'll pep myself up to do speed work. I'm getting a lot accomplished with this unscheduled time.

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