Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm ready!

I went back out on my first run yesterday and back at the cycling class tonight...feeling good. Here's my plan:

Tues- run 3 miles
Wed- AM run 3 miles, PM cycling class
Thur- run 3 miles
Fri- run 3 miles, PM strength training

Next week I'm done with school and will have extra time in the mornings to put in more miles.


  1. Wow Julie! That's a lot of working out this week. Glad you are back in the swing of things. I am running regularly--but still haven't gotten my butt on a bike. Did my first trail yesterday with Nat-I needed the hills! I really miss running in Athens and on trails. We ran the first trail that the 3 of us ran from Sells Park to Strouds. Remember doing that in the winter time?

  2. I do remember that! Great run! I remember being so intimidated by the running in the snow AND the trail we couldn't see. haha

    It was a lot of working out this week. It felt good! I actually didn't get my run in this morning. I sacrificed it for the sake of finishing an assignment at my mtg tonight. My legs were also sore so maybe it was the better thing to do anyways. I want to post about my decision to run every day. It's kind of a break through for me. More about that later....
