Monday, June 7, 2010

Another road block

The Red Shirts have gone home, I'm not sick anymore, but...I got a mole removed. I know, sounds like a poor excuse of getting out of running. But it was growing really big. I only have 4 weeks before flying to NY and I wanted to get rid of the nasty growth on my neck before I go. I thought it was just a quick snip snip and I'm out. But I left with 7 stitches! As I'm about to leave the doctor said not to sweat or exercise. Seriously?! Sigh. The stitches come out Saturday. I'm hoping to maybe get a cycling class in on Wednesday. We'll see. Sorry Ben. I only have 2 weeks of school left and the 2 weeks after that I'll hit the pavement hard...I hope.

btw, I posted a photo of the stitches on my blog if you want to see them. It's actually kinda cool.

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