Monday, June 21, 2010

Brian Regan?

So I have to find some way to visit my folks before I totally leave Wallkill on July 29th. Brian Regan is playing near Boston the Friday before our race on Sunday. I'll probably head up there on Friday, stay with my parents Friday night, and head back to New York on Saturday afternoon.

Anybody else interested in that? I know you'all are probably not interested in adding 8 hours of drive time to your trip from OH- is it cool that I see you guys Sat night and Sunday? I'll probably take Monday off as well, if you'll be around.

Let me know what the schedule is like for that weekend, because I really want this all to work out the best.

Wallkill schedule

Thanks for the reminders, I have to keep in mind I'm training for something and not just putzing around.

Last week on Monday I sprained my ankle on my morning run- I was doing sprints and just came down wrong. It hurt like the dickens but turned out to be pretty light, and after a day I was walking w/o a limp. But I didn't run all last week.

I'm running 2 miles on Monday (wind sprints), 3-4 on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Tuesday mornings is swimming for 20-30 minutes, I don't know the distance. And Wednesday after work I'm trying to hit the bike for about 10-15 miles.

One thing I've noticed though is that it's hard to push myself. I feel like I'm doing all of this at a snail's pace. Any tips?

(Shinsplints are gone, too, for now.)

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm ready!

I went back out on my first run yesterday and back at the cycling class tonight...feeling good. Here's my plan:

Tues- run 3 miles
Wed- AM run 3 miles, PM cycling class
Thur- run 3 miles
Fri- run 3 miles, PM strength training

Next week I'm done with school and will have extra time in the mornings to put in more miles.

Ready, Set, GO!!

It's time to start the training plan.
You'll need this to log in
Username: Getyourrunin
Password: PS8318wt

What's your plan for the week?
I ran six miles on the bikepath yesterday. Today I'm taking off.
Tuesday: Run then lift.
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Lift then meet Shonda for our first trail run. (I'm thinking Casa after we run and work
at the office)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Here's what you missed.....

Early Spring is a good time to run trails at Strouds Run State Park. If you are interested, it's too bad you missed early Spring. Jeff and Ben didn't.

So don't miss Early Summer which is just around the corner. Or perhaps Late Spring if you want to go now!

Last Saturday Shonda encountered a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. Fortunately she ran very, very fast. Three miles fast in fact.

I wanted to run six miles on Sunday, but Will wouldn't let me run six on 550. He thought that was too much of a jump up from three, especially since there was a hill involved. Well it was Dividing Ridge (hehehe). And yes, I did run non stop up Dividing Ridge (woo hoo).
It took me an hour to cover 5 miles. I started out walking the first five minutes though. I hadn't planned ahead to warm up so when I had Will drop me at mile marker 3, I responsibly walked so I would lessen the chances of injury. I also took three walk breaks.
It was a hot run, late in the afternoon on Sunday. But it felt really good and I'm thrilled that I did it.
This morning the adventure continued with a three miler in the rain. I wore my matching (with Shonda) Palo Duro Canyon Trail Run cap. Tomorrow I'm planning another three with strength training to follow.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another road block

The Red Shirts have gone home, I'm not sick anymore, but...I got a mole removed. I know, sounds like a poor excuse of getting out of running. But it was growing really big. I only have 4 weeks before flying to NY and I wanted to get rid of the nasty growth on my neck before I go. I thought it was just a quick snip snip and I'm out. But I left with 7 stitches! As I'm about to leave the doctor said not to sweat or exercise. Seriously?! Sigh. The stitches come out Saturday. I'm hoping to maybe get a cycling class in on Wednesday. We'll see. Sorry Ben. I only have 2 weeks of school left and the 2 weeks after that I'll hit the pavement hard...I hope.

btw, I posted a photo of the stitches on my blog if you want to see them. It's actually kinda cool.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We're gonna get ya!

Yes we girls know you will try, but the girls are totally out training you!! (hehehehe)


I've been waiting to post until I had gotten back into a good routine and had something motivating to say. I'm still waiting. After the 'war zone' was cleared up and the parks opened back up I got a couple runs in. Then I started to get sick. My energy level was low but I kept pushing through. Well, I've now spent 3 days sick in bed. I'm feeling better today so hopefully this week I can get back out there.

It's one month from today that I fly over there. I'm hoping I can keep up training the 3 weeks I'm there prior to the race. Part of the time I'm staying with a friend who lives in Manhattan. My goal is to run in Central Park and across the Brooklyn Bridge. I'll also be spending some time at Patterson. Any suggestions on where to run there, Ben?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Butt time

Hey everyone

The countdown is on... It's exciting to hear the training everyone's doing. Don't forget about the bike part of the race. I know that Gnat's been on her seat putting in miles, but I'm trying to remind myself to get into the saddle. For me the toughest part of riding is not the aerobic part, it's just getting my butt used to the seat. The mistake I've made in the past is to focus too much on the running: I'm trying to get some time on the bike just to toughen up the glutes.

Just a thought.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another yummy recipe from Runners World



A protein-packed recovery meal that's light on the stomach

Image by Joseph De Leo

PUBLISHED 09/10/2007 As a child, Cora learned to cook in her family's Greek restaurant in Jackson, Mississippi, and discovered affinities between Greek and southern cuisines, such as braising meat and emphasizing fresh ingredients like corn, tomatoes, and watermelon. "This lower-carb version of a classic Greek gyro, where I substitute lettuce for a pita, is one of my favorite postrun meals because it's satisfying but still light and fresh," says Cora, who lives in Santa Barbara, California, with her partner and two young sons. A daily exerciser, Cora studied exercise physiology, biology, and nutrition in college before attending the Culinary Institute of America.

5 4-ounce salmon fillets (can also use halibut, snapper, branzino)
2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more to brush the fish
Juice of two limes
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 head butter lettuce
1 head radicchio
1 tomato, diced
1 onion, diced
1/2 cup prepared tzatziki (in yogurt section of your supermarket) (or click on the link)
1/4 cup chopped scallions

Preheat grill to 400°F. In 13- by 9-inch baking dish, combine olive oil, lime juice, and spices. Add fillets and turn them so every side is coated with marinade. Let marinate for 10 minutes.

Form lettuce cups by gently separating the heads of butter lettuce and radicchio. Line a whole leaf of butter lettuce with radicchio.

Brush fillets with olive oil before placing them on the grill. Cook until they begin to turn opaque on top (cooking time will vary, depending on thickness of fillets). Fish should be firm to the touch, flaking easily.

Flake a generous amount of fish into each lettuce cup, or cut the fish into small chunks and place them in each cup. Top with tomato and onion. Drizzle with tzatziki, then garnish with scallions. To eat, use a knife and fork, or eat it like a taco (a bit messier). Serves four.

Calories: 350
Fat: 22 g
Carbs: 9 g
Protein: 31 g

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Training Plan starts soon

Just a reminder of the login name and password
Username: Getyourrunin
Password: PS8318wt

The plan starts June 13 with a rest day. The next day is a 3 mile run. Be sure to look over the schedule and adjust it to fit your needs.


This was the first Muddy Buddy--in Richmond, 2007.  Nat was a great friend and agreed to take a trip to do the MB and go camp at Va Beach for a few days.  

At the last minute, after we picked up our race packets, we went next door to Old Navy and bought these costumes.  They consist of straw hats, overall/mini-dresses, hot pink tanks (trust me on this one, they were hot pink) and then a stop at WalMart for our sheriff's pins and bike decoration.  

The whole wild-west sheriff thing just developed from what we found cheap.  Maybe it was the hat that finally decided it. 

We did the race as team Jewel Nation, in honor of our usual threesome of Jules, Nat and Shonda.  It was awesome.  I'm excited to be doing the MB this year in a different park-with a different trail.  I loved Richmond, but after doing it twice (and the second time with no free beer!) I'm ready for something different (with free beer).


Notice the beautiful black stallion riding on the handlebars....

We were supposed to be riding the really nice yellow mountain bike in the background.  But we had last minute mechanicals that we couldn't fix, and were stuck with the old nag in blue.  Thankfully we figured it out before the race, because, if I recall correctly, one of the mechanical issues was something like brakes not working, or the wheel falling off, or some such thing.  

I am placing my trust in Natalie this year that she has David double check everything before our departure!  But we'll bring the stallion along, just in case.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's June First!

We are getting close to the start of our official Muddy Buddy training. How is everyone doing so far? This Thursday is the last of my first round of sessions with Jolene (my personal trainer, in case you forgot) I'm going to sign up for six more sessions. Thursday we are working on legs again. Plyometrics this time. I'll let you know how it goes.
I ran 3 miles on the treadmill at the gym after lifting today. BORING!!!! I forget how hard it is to do that. Although if you have access to one, Ben, it might help with your shin splints.
Friday night Will and I are attending our first meeting with the Columbus Laotian Cong.

Saturday morning Shonda and I are going to be able to run together for the first time in a long time. Maybe next week, Shonda, I can bring my bike up and we can run and ride.

I'm thinking of running 6 miles on Sunday. Anyone interested??

P.S. Will and I are officially on the Theocratic Ministry School in the Laotian Cong.