Saturday, July 31, 2010

A few more after pictures

I wish the course had been longer. I felt like I was just warming up. AND I was happy for the reminder that I LOVE mountain biking!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I'm reading all of this, but I haven't had much time to get on and write. I think the funniest post-race comment came from Julie- about finding mud in odd places hours later. My clothes will almost need to be burned.

Will write more later


I hope you are enjoying the pictures. I want to write about funny things that I heard people say while racing such as "I HATE BIKING" but I've not had much time to sit and write. In case you haven't heard this is the HOTTEST summer on record since recordings of temperature began in 1880. We've been swamped at work. And now I have to hire a new secretary. We have an interview today and Monday.
So you can feel my pain, this is my schedule for today:
(and I've been up since 5:45)
1. Work out at 8
2. Take Huck to the vet at 9:40 because he is about to scratch himself to pieces.
3. Supposed to be working in the office because Cheryl took today off to get ready for the convention.
4. Pack for the convention
5. Interview at 3
6. Take Huck to Ryan and Melissa's
7. Leave for Charleston by 6
I'll check in next week.
Have a great weekend and I'll be seeing most of you in C-Town!!

A few more before pictures

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mud Pit Before

The four of us arrived early to pick up our race packets and tour the expo. Then we saw

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Marvelously Muddy

It's funny to post about the race after talking all about it earlier. I don't have to say how awesome it already know. As for Jeff and Lyndsey, we missed you guys. You would've loved it.

So I'm sitting here, hours after what I thought was a thorough shower, still noticing dirt in various places. But don't get me wrong, I'm not annoyed in the least. I smile each time and try to imagine at which point while crawling through the mud did that piece of dirt get in that little crevice.

How about for our next race everyone comes to Chiang Mai! Are you free in December? lol

Monday, July 19, 2010

Is anyone still checking?

Hey guys. Not sure if anyone is still checking on the blog or not. I've been trying to run as much as I can since I've been here. Two days after I touched down in NY I found a road to run on near Patterson. It was a gravelly road that ran along 2 small lakes...felt like running in Athens. A light rain started which felt nice and I loved hearing the sound of rain hitting the leaves of the trees. It was a great run!

Since then I've run a few times around where my parents live and near my brother's house. Half my motivation to run is to keep the weight down while enjoying all my local favorites...Chipotle, Elliot Ness, Sierra Nevada, Pizza Cottage, etc.

So, I'm feeling fairly good about the race. It's gonna be a good time!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Still Running

I imagine everyone has been consumed with their lives including your running schedules. Me too. I finished school 2 weeks ago and have been running M-F these past 2 weeks. It's been great! I had an especially good run today. I went out at 7:45. It had rained through the night so the temperature wasn't too bad. Then about 10 minutes into my run it started to rain ever so slightly which made the temperature even better. I logged in 4 very comfortable miles. I'm planning another 4 tomorrow.

Monday at midnight I head to the airport so my last run will be Mon morning. I'm really hoping to keep my good running stride going while in the states. One source of motivation, especially after today's run, is the better temps.